Saturday, October 18, 2008

What a day!

Today was interesting.  Avery was a mess, I think that she actually whined all day!  Ian was at work and I was on the verge...I maintained but wow, what a day.  I am going to guess that Avery's teeth hurt...her incisors are coming in on the bottom-all the better to bite you with my dear (ok, so she does not bite yet but we are just waiting).

Avery had a bath this evening and I decided to change her on the ABC Floor Mat in her room.  I dried her off and let her run around a bit...ok, so next time she says "Dipee Dipee" I will listen.  She totally peed on the floor.  Let's hope she does not make this a habit.

Owen finally got some long awaited tummy time.  He actually does not mind it at all.  The day before yesterday he actually fell he a cute kid or what?  He has the wide-eyed look just like his sister.  He is also sleeping pretty well for 8 weeks.  He goes down between 7:30 and 8:30 pm and wakes up at like 3:30 am and then eats for a bit and then goes back down until like 6 am.  I know I should not complain but Avery was sleeping through the night at about 9 and a half weeks...not sure if we are totally on track for that but heres to hoping!


Keli said...

Anna you are doing such a great job with your blog! I love hearing about what's going on and seeing all the cute pics!!!

Melissa said...

You are doing a fantastic job blogging! There's like 3 new posts since I last checked in. I love it! I miss you and the kids- we have to hangout soon!

jennifer diascro said...

Ugh, count your blessings! I still do NOT sleep through most nights (took over a year with Roman to get through one whole night without waking), and potty training has not been easy, as you know. And Sofia isn't showing much of the stereotypical girl-does-it-quicker-and-easier-than-boys behavior. Sigh. SO, my older sister two cents is to be VERY patient on the potty (that she wants to go sometimes is FAB) and treasure the many hours of sleep each night that you get with Owen. This is NOT to say don't work hard to get that nap! You DO deserve it! Love you!

Bethany said...

Awesome blog! You are so good at updating and I LOVE Avery's monkey costume. I want one.