Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's Been a While

For all of you devout followers, sorry I let you down.  I have been a bit busy lately.  Ian has been working like crazy and well, I have not really had much to write about.  There was a lull in the typical Lowe excitement.  Now, I am not saying that Avery has not been her typical self-not listening and screaming...just nothing note worthy.

A couple of nights ago, while Ian made Avery's dinner (so sad, I can't even remember what it was, it is not even like there are a lot of choices these days), Avery and I decorated the pumpkin she picked out from the Pumpkin Patch.  She did a really good job.  She would get a few pieces in and then would rearrange them according to what she deemed accurate.  Take a look at the final product..."The Punt-tin".  Here she is, posing with her pumpkin and her "Hot Dod"!

Today I put Avery in her Halloween Costume.  She loves it and well, why deprive a child of such simple pleasures.  It was pretty warm out but oh well...what a cute monkey and such a simple costume.  It will keep her warm and is easy to put on and take off.  Shoot, she can wear her jammies underneath.
I also got out of the house all alone!  It was the second time I have gotten away from the little buggers since Owen was born.  The first time was nothing glamorous, I went to Rite Aid to get a prescription filled.  This time Ian's mom and boyfriend came down to help out and play with Avery.  She loves them so much and wow, could I use the break.  I got out and ran a few errands for about an hour and a half.  I did not know what to do with myself.  Walking into a store with just a purse is a bit foreign. I kept trying to figure out what I was missing.  Needless to say, I had to hit the grocery store for a few essential items-namely bananas, and saw this mini cake. I had to get it for Avery.  And she LOVED it!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What a day!

Today was interesting.  Avery was a mess, I think that she actually whined all day!  Ian was at work and I was on the verge...I maintained but wow, what a day.  I am going to guess that Avery's teeth hurt...her incisors are coming in on the bottom-all the better to bite you with my dear (ok, so she does not bite yet but we are just waiting).

Avery had a bath this evening and I decided to change her on the ABC Floor Mat in her room.  I dried her off and let her run around a bit...ok, so next time she says "Dipee Dipee" I will listen.  She totally peed on the floor.  Let's hope she does not make this a habit.

Owen finally got some long awaited tummy time.  He actually does not mind it at all.  The day before yesterday he actually fell he a cute kid or what?  He has the wide-eyed look just like his sister.  He is also sleeping pretty well for 8 weeks.  He goes down between 7:30 and 8:30 pm and wakes up at like 3:30 am and then eats for a bit and then goes back down until like 6 am.  I know I should not complain but Avery was sleeping through the night at about 9 and a half weeks...not sure if we are totally on track for that but heres to hoping!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I am tired!

So I have decided that there is a point in parenting, perhaps about 2 months in, when you realize you are tired.  It hit me a couple of days ago and I just want to take a nap!  I love my kids but man, I would do anything for a little 2-3 hour nap!  Better yet, a full, 10 hours of night time sleep...maybe one day!  Oh well...all in all, today was a good day though.

This morning started off with a bang, or should I say plop...Avery got up in quite a good mood and drank her milk, after which she said she had to go poo poo.  Anyone who has spoken to us recently knows that Avery is sporadically potty training.  I think that she really does not like having a dirty diaper but does not want to spend the time on the pot-can't really blame her. However, the whole thing is making us a bit nuts, it is time to s**t or get off the pot!  An A.M. B.M. was had by my little one (old pic same concept).

Since we were having such a good morning, Avery and I left Owen and Daddy to sleep and set off into the kitchen to make breakfast...the first try was ableskeever which was a total bust...we opted for chocolate chip pancakes instead.

We also made it our mission to hit the "local" (not really-more like 30 minute drive) pumpkin patch.  The irony of this is that I am allergic to hay and decided that would be the determining factor in the length of our stay.  When I start breaking out in hives we would leave...we managed a hay ride (yep-pretty dumb but anything for my kids) and the petting zoo and one quick ride on the swing and down a slide.  A good day was had by all!  Oh, and check out the kids...they were holding hands.  How cute is that??  And we were going to move Owen's seat so Avery could not kick him and throw things at him.

And because I know enquiring minds want to know, no, Avery did not have a hot dog today.  She asked for one this morning but we never caved and she is on her way to a dog-free existence once again...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still Going...

Ok, so I missed a day, sorry!  Yesterday was a bit crazy!  Avery, when asked what she wanted for breakfast, did ask for a hot dog but I put the kibosh on that.  However, she did get one when she got home from school but only after doing the hot dog dance for daddy.   We then rushed to The Rancho Bernardo Winery for our annual family pictures with our wedding photographer, Brant and yeah, we were a half hour late...wanna make something of it?  Got some cute ones though...

Today was nuts...Avery was just not having it.  What you may ask is it?  Yeah, good question, we could not figure it out either.  She was just a mess one minute and then happy the next.  She even had daddy swaddling her monkey (get your minds out of the gutter!).
Owen and I went back out to the mall to return some stuff, because, anyone who knows me knows that if I have something that needs to be returned it must be returned immediately or it will haunt me until I get it out of my car.  While we were gone Ian and Avery went on a bike ride at the bay...she had to wear her helmet, guess how much she liked it???

Again, poor Owen gets pushed to the side because he is just a good kid, ok, so maybe he is constantly eating and sucking-literally-the life out of me but still, he should get some face time too...rock on little man (daddy dressed him today-so cute)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day Two and Going Strong!

Well, perhaps this is a good thing after all.  I have actually been taking photos of my kids.  Anyone who knows me knows I am terrible at remembering to use the camera, that goes for Ian too.  Not a good combo; one of us should be snap happy.  

Today I dropped off and picked up from school.  And let me tell you, the kid I dropped off looked nothing like the kid I picked up...Avery was so crusty it was not even funny; between the faded whiskers that had been painted on her face sometime mid morning-if I had to take a guess (that would not rub off even with the wash cloth in the bath), the amazing amount of fine sand that she must have rolled around in and the snot that had crusted on her face, she was still so excited to see me, it did not even matter.  Oh yeah, don't forget the water spout hair-do that her teacher insists on putting her hair in.  That is perhaps one of the best parts of being  a parent; pick up from school!  
The minute we walked in the door Avery was doing the "Hot Dog Dance".  This child is addicted to hot dogs!  I finally went to Whole Foods and bought her the nitrate free ones but still, how many hot dogs should one child really consume in a week?  Avery has also taken to yoga...Downward Dog is a popular one (the other day her hands slipped and down she went, right on her head-I may be a bad parent for this, but I could not stop laughing).  Perhaps in a last ditch effort to burn off the millions of calories she is consuming in hot dogs (in our defence, it is the only meat she will eat).

On a lighter note, yes, I do have a son, he just does not get as much air time because, well, nothing personal Owen, but he really does not do much.  He has really gotten the hang of smiling though...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Am I really doing this???

Ok, so it took a wedding, a dog, and two pregnancy's with subsequent children to actually start one of these.  I am not sure if I am embarrassed or excited, either way, here goes nothing...for all of you who don't know, Avery has started school and I have to admit that although I feel guilty about my joy and relief of her absence on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (at least until I go back to work), I also feel so sad that she is gone.  This morning was the first time I dropped her off by myself with Owen in tow.  Whom ever said that adding a second child is like adding three more was SO right.  I was lucky I remembered her bedding (we have to take it home every week), her "blankie", her milk and water sippy cups, and lunch...but wait, it is Monday, pizza, thank God.  Whom ever came up with that plan was brilliant.  Poor Owen's head bobbed back and forth in his infant seat while I herded Avery into her classroom, signed her in and said good bye.  But wait, there was something I wanted to tell her teacher, now what was it???  Oh, "Avery has a ..." and before I could even finish my sentence, realized, she was not the only one, it was like a snotty nose convention, every child in the play yard (all of four others) had a nice greenish river of snot flowing out of their respective nostrils!  Great, the first "pre-school cold'...I am sure there will be more to come.  Well, off to bed before feeding time again...let's see if I can keep this up!