Ian turned 30 this week and we decided to take our first trip without children since Owen was born. Let's not be hasty, we left Avery once for less than 24 hours for our anniversary in '07 and then when Owen was born. We don't do this often and we have never left Owen. I have to say that they were in good hands and we had a blast! Ohhh, do I love Vegas. We won money playing craps and blackjack and got some good alone time. I only wish we slept more. Seriously, my internal clock is so messed up. I just wanted to sleep in. The first morning we made it to 7 am and the second morning we made it to 8 am. Really? Urgh, on well...it was worth it.
Avery has taken to run by pushings of poor, unsuspecting Owen. He is usually just sitting there playing with something and squeaking and here comes Avery and just knocks him down. Typically I am alerted to what has happened by the thump of Owen's head hitting the floor. She does this at least twice a day. It is making me nuts! The best is that she loves him and wants to play with him or get his "boogies" or even bring him (more like throw at him) some toys. Deep down she loves him; right?
Everyone has remained pretty healthy. I am the only one who kept getting sick and it turns out that I had been losing an ongoing battle with a double ear infection. My ears weren't draining so I kept getting sick. Of course, why didn't I think of that. Meanwhile, I went to visit the doctor for some help (this had been going on for about 3 months) and well, not only did one of my ear drums blow, but yep, you guessed it, they both did. Amongst getting felt up by the doctor, get your minds out of the gutter, he was feeling my neck and such, he noticed my thyroid felt "strange". So I left have my weight in blood at the doctors and a script for a sonogram on my neck. Turns out I have a mild case of hypothyroidism...maybe now I will start losing weight! The best is that through all of this I could not hear anything. It was kinda nice. The kids would scream and well, I could hardly hear them. I am on the road to recovery and well, my hearing is back. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Avery has been asking lots of questions lately about anatomy. We take showies together and Owen joined us one evening not too long ago. She was trying to figure out where his pee pee was. You could tell by the look on her face she was totally confused. Finally, I tried to explain that Avery was a girl and Owen was a boy. This has been an on going conversation and we finally decided that we would just call it like it is; she now know that girls have a "Gina" and boys have a "Kleenex", yep, like the tissue brand. I did not lead her astray, I gave her the right names and this is how they translated in a 2 year olds' mind. The best is that she went up to daddy and said, you have a Kleenex and whacked him, open handed right where it counts. I almost peed!
Avery has also recently gotten serious about fashion...yep, she dressed herself! Check out the belly button poking through. I will say that I had to add the shirt, that was missing from her original selection. The second photo is Avery holding daddy's hand as we are getting ready to go get "fozen yogert"...there is a new place that just opened by us and we love it. My daughter can't get enough of the chocolate! Owen sticks to vanilla but there is not a bite that goes past him that he does not open his mouth for.
Please join us next week for Avery's 2nd Birthday! We are going to be making our first go at Disneyland and saying bye bye to our "night night" (that would be her pacifier to the lay person). Wish us luck and I will post pics when I remember.
those kids are so darn cute! glad you guys had fun in vegas. hope to see the whole crew again soon. love!
LOL..too funny and both are beyond adorable! :)
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